In the early years, Dad Adams would sell our fresh produce out of his pick-up truck on King Street in Wilmington, DE. Many times Mother would load all of us kids and drive to Wilmington to sell produce while Dad worked at DuPont. After the twins were born (which made six kids in the family), Mother asked Dad to build her a “small” produce stand so she would not have to to drive the long distance with six children. Dad built our market in 1964. There was not a lot of traffic on the highway back then so that is why the building is so close to the road today. Sodas were sold out of a tub filled with ice. Purchases were added up on a paper bag.
We now sell a full line of top quality produce. From sweet corn to fresh tree ripened peaches. We have absolutely wonderful jams, pickles, relishes and other products that are mostly made by hard working Delaware/Maryland people. A countless number of people enjoy our picnic areas and open space to stretch their legs and walk their dogs. We contribute our success to selling the best product possible, hard work, great help and a lot of faith. To those who have been with us a long time and to the newcomers, our greatest achievement in life is to know that we have made people happy.